The role of Social Media in sports for peace in the North West Cameroon.

By Lendzemo Lakelle, #AFFCameroon Cohort 7 fellow. Introduction The North West region has five teams in the country’s professional football league. It has two ‘elite one teams’, two ‘elite two teams’ and a ‘female elite team’. Even with this number, the North West region has no stadium of FIFA international standard or in other words, […]
The Role Of The Social Media In Resolving The Conflict At PC Kumba Town

By Sandrine Moma, Cohort 7 #AFFCameroon fellow Introduction Presbyterian Church Kumba Town is situated in Kumba, South West Region of Cameroon. Squabbles began in Presbyterian Church (PC) Kumba town on June 26, 2022. According to a report by Express FM Radio 91.5 on Facebook on June 27, 2022, Christians of the Presbyterian Church Kumba Town […]