About #237Check
This is a fact-checking and information verification platform that works on countering misinformation and disinformation in Cameroon.

This is a fact-checking and information verification platform that works on countering misinformation and disinformation in Cameroon.
Civic Watch Cameroon through its fact-checking components ( 237 Check and Africa Fact-checking Fellowship), is deeply concerned by this decision, which appears to be a deal breaker on the primacy of credible information and truth on the internet, and implicitly on the promotion of social cohesion.
Introduction ‘Sister Mary, Ma boo eh, family na one, bimoulé d’abord’, are some comic catch-phrases that have become very popular in Cameroon, …
Introduction Technological advancements have enabled digital connectivity to transcend geographic, social, religious, and cultural boundaries. Social media, a product of technological innovation, …
Cambridge dictionary defines corruption as dishonest or illegal behaviour including a person in a position of power. Over the years in Cameroon, …
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The platform aims at furthering public discourse and countering false information through fact-checking and verification of information.
© Copyright – #237Check by #defyhatenow Cameroon