Social Media Health Reports

By Lendzemo Lakelle, #AFFCameroon Cohort 7 fellow. Introduction The North West region has five teams in the country’s professional football league. It has two ‘elite one teams’, two ‘elite two teams’ and a ‘female elite team’. Even with this number, …

By Lendzemo Lakelle, #AFFCameroon Cohort 7 fellow. Introduction The North West region has five teams in the country’s professional football league. It has two ‘elite one teams’, two ‘elite two teams’ and a ‘female elite team’. Even with this number, …

By Sandrine Moma, Cohort 7 #AFFCameroon fellow Introduction  Presbyterian Church Kumba Town is situated in Kumba, South West Region of Cameroon. Squabbles began in Presbyterian Church (PC) Kumba town on June 26, 2022. According to a report by Express FM …

Introduction: Cameroon’s Anglophone regions have been engulfed in crisis since late 2016, when English speaking lawyers, students, and teachers began protesting what they saw as their under-representation in, and cultural marginalization by, the central government. Strike actions to call the …

Introduction               Depuis le début de l’année 2022 au Cameroun, l’éducation est menacée par le mouvement « craie morte » lancé par le collectif des enseignants OTS (On a Trop Souffert). Ce mouvement dénonce la précarité dans laquelle vivent les enseignants du secondaire. …

Definition mots clés Affaire Ousmanou Harouna : est un étudiant inscrit à l’université de Ngaoundéré ; il finit son master 1 en 2021 avec 14 de moyenne à l’âge de 22 ans. Dépose ses dossiers pour la sélection en master 2, grand …

INTRODUCTION Pendant la coupe d’Afrique des nations (Can) 2021, Le site de Garoua a accueilli la poule D constituée de quatre équipes, notamment le Nigeria, le Soudan, l’Égypte et la Guinée Bissau. Lors de la 8e et ¼ de finale …

Coupable de changement d’itinéraire : affaire des Bororo en transit à Ngan-ha Introduction Le 14 avril 2022, la toile se réveille avec une histoire des plus rocambolesques.  l’observateur Djafsia Tara, L’influenceur présente des clichés de la situation préoccupante de la …

Cameroon confirmed its first case of Coronavirus case on the 24th of February 2020. Health officials immediately took measures to contain the spread of the virus, but it wasn’t enough due to poor government strategies and a defiant population that failed …

Since October 2016, Cameroon’s two English-speaking regions have been plagued with a crisis that has degenerated into an armed conflict. Strike actions to call the government’s attention to specific demands attracted severe military crackdowns resulting in an armed conflict. Such …
