(237 Check) – Contrary to reports published on Actu Cameroun https://actucameroun.com/2021/09/04/covid-19-4-morts-et-plus-de-30-cas-enregistres-en-une-semaine-a-bafut-nord-ouest/ on September 04th that in one week, Bafut a village in Mezam division of the Northwest Region of Cameroon, registered 04 COVID19 deaths and over 30positive cases, Fact-Checking results have proven otherwise.
Our checks through an interview with the District Medical Officer for Bafut health District Dr. Fozao points to the fact that there is no doubt that there is a rise in the spread of the COVID19 virus Bafut didn’t record such figures.
Dr. Fozao clarified that the figure 30 was a cumulative from August 18th to September 1st. Moreover, he added that “there were 3 cases confirmed within the district who later died but just 1died in Bafut while observing his home confinement. The first case which is the one who died at home was tested positive and was in home confinement and later died. Unconfirmed reports say he organized an anniversary celebration and two days later he died reason I say it’s registered as a probable COVID related death though he might have been killed by something else. The second patient who died was tested positive and was referred to the regional hospital and later died. The 3rd case was a man who asked that his own COVID19 test be done at his home which wasn’t possible, and he later died so we cannot say that the deaths raised by that publication all came from Bafut. So, I can confirm one COVID19 related death within the period of August 18 to September 01st which I still term probable”.
What is the situation of the COVID19 spread and Vaccination?
Presenting the facts Dr. Fozao the District medical officer for Bafut health district indicated that there is a third wave which has is more severe than there 1st and 2nd though there is still some level of denial it is very minimal as many have come to understand and accept the existence of the virus and they vaccination coverage is actually very impressive. To Dr. Fozao there is need for continues efforts in respecting barrier measure set aside for the prevention of the spread such as maintaining social distancing, wearing of face masks, the use of hand sanitizers to name but these.
Regional Delegates Communique on the epidemiological situation of the region.

According to a press release signed by the regional Delegate of Public Health for the North West Region, Dr. Che Soh Kingsley called the attention of the population of the North West Region that, the region is presently experiencing a third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and unfortunately the Delta Variant has been identified in some COVID-19 patients, residing in the Region.
Dr. Che Soh revealed that the week leading to the 23 of September the Region recorded a total of 631 new COVID-19 infections and 15 COVID-19 related deaths. There are therefore a total of 1,839 COVID-19 patients in the Region, who are currently on treatment either hospitalized or at home.
He stressed that vaccination against covid-19 has proven to be very effective in protecting infected persons including those with the Delta variant from developing a severe illness.
Unfortunately, only 25,690 people have so far been vaccinated against COVID-19, out of 943,356 people targeted, giving a vaccination coverage of 2.7%.
The Regional Delegate for Public Health is therefore calling on the population to adhere to all barrier measures such as systematically wearing Face Mask, and most importantly to immediately go to the nearest hospital facility to GET VACCINATED against COVID-19.
Lastly, we are counting on all, to spread this message widely, as Good Health is Wealth. For more information kindly dial the tall free number 1510.
It is worthy of note to indicate that there exist a great number of community deaths related to the virus because of the denial syndrome owing to the rise in fake news, misinformation, disinformation, rumors, spin and more. It is therefore important that everyone spreads should ensure that the population is rightfully informed.
By Pedmia Shatu