No, Martin Camus Mimb was not at the Japoma Stadium On November 16, 2021

(237 Check) – Sports’ journalist and owner of local based radio, RSI according to some misinformation that went viral on social networks is said to have been seen at the Japoma stadium in Douala last November 16, 2021 just after his release.

Contrary to allegations, sports’ journalist and manager of the local based radio station, RSI did not appear at the Japoma stadium on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, after been granted a provisional release by the court of appeal in Douala.

The video which was brought out of context by fake news addicts went viral and once more reached thousands of people in various pages and groups. 

For instance, on the page of Katty ways officielle2, Cameroonian born blogger and female politician living abroad, the video has reached more than nine thousand people in terms of views. 

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The ace journalist jailed recently due to his sexual implication in what is today known as the Malicka affair, was released the same day the indomitable lions of Cameroon faced the elephants of Cote-d’Ivoire.

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In a video that made rounds on internet, many have attributed it to his appearance on stadium just after been freed from the New-Bell prison.

The video and pictures were instead captured during the last held 2020 African Nations Championship, CHAN, where Cameroon’s intermediate lions defeated 2 goals to 1 at the Japoma stadium, the leopards of the Democratic republic of Congo on January 2021. Martin Camus Mimb was on live reporting for his media.

On his Facebook page, Martin Camus MIMB, where he published the video on January 30, 2021, one can read: “En live de Japoma, les derniers instants du match! Limbé….A vous l’antenne! #codcmr #CHANTOTAL2020 #NsangNkong”


This misinformation equally sparked debates in several social media groups as some accused him of committing an offence by going to the Japoma stadium. In some other groups and Facebook pages where the video was shared, it has created room for insults and hate speeches. 

Many people believed Martin Camus Mimb just after his release went to the Douala Japoma stadium to scoff at the public whereas he was assigned at home and counselled to be discrete and stay quiet.

Since his incarceration on July 16, 2021 at the Douala New-Bell central prison alongside his mate, Wilfred Eteki with whom he was implicated in the Malicka affair, Martin Camus Mimb has not published on all his social media pages.

By Elise Kenimbeni

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