The Role of Social Media in Fostering Opportunities for Youth during Crisis
By Amboh Vennessa Nche Cohort 7#AFFCameroon Introduction The English speaking regions of Cameroon have experienced various ordeals since October 2016, when protests and strikes related to sectorial demands escalated into a crisis over the economic and political marginalization of the Cameroon Anglophone minority who mostly reside in the North West and South West Regions. Since […]
The role of Social Media in promoting violence against women within the context of the Anglophone crisis
By Victory Marshall Ayafor INTRODUCTION Since the advent of the Cameroon Anglophone crisis five years ago, women continue to bear the brunt of the crisis and they are hit hardest in terms of violence especially if you are tagged a black leg or traitor for having an affair with a military or uniform man. The […]
Social Media as Catalyst of Youths Civic Engagement in the Northwest Region
By Ngong Jude As times change, so are the youths’ reasoning and their use of social media. It’s been over five years since the Anglophone crisis broke out, and a comparative analysis of the youths’ use of the new media during that period and now is different. Young people are more conscious of their rights […]
By Bamenjo Petronilla, fellow Cohort 7 #AFFCameroon INTRODUCTION A trend can be defined as a topic or subject of interest in many posts across a social media website or application within a short period of time. Over the years we have seen how different trends on social media have had an influence and impact on […]
The influence of social media Hash tags (#tags) on public policies and stakeholders’ decisions in Cameroon, with key interest on the Anglophone crisis
By Edwin Ajimsimbom Introduction For close to 6 years now, Cameroon’s two English speaking regions have been plagued by an ongoing sociopolitical Crisis that has resulted in several acts of violence The course of this crisis has prompted a wide range of activism and advocacy in Cameroon. Both activists and advocates leverage social […]
Beware: The North West region has not been hit by a cattle epidemic
A message that has gone viral on whatsApp and Facebook since Friday July 8, 2022 has been announcing the outbreak of a cattle epidemic that has hit the North West region of Cameroon. After verification, the information turns out to be false and manipulative. A few days ago members of the WhatsApp group “Journalist of […]
Non, cet homme n’est pas un enseignant que les moto-taximen auraient livré à la police parce qu’il faisait grève
Une photo publiée sur Facebook par la page Diaspora XXL et abondamment reprise sur internet (46 partages), présente un homme vêtu d’un ensemble jogging, menottes aux poignets. Selon les auteurs, il s’agit d’un enseignant nommé Tatsinkou Wamba Hugues, qui aurait été arrêté et livré à la police par les moto-taximen à Douala. Témoignages concordants Dans […]
Vrai, cette vidéo est bien celle d’un chauffeur d’United Express somnolant au volant
Vrai, cette vidéo est bien celle d’un chauffeur d’United Express somnolant au volant (237 Check) – Ce 29 septembre 2021, une vidéo montrant un chauffeur de la compagnie United Express somnolant au volant de son véhicule de transport sur un axe lourd est devenue virale. La vidéo largement partagée dans les groupes WhatsApp et sur […]