Attention, This account offering registration for DV Lottery is fake.

The claim that the American Visa Lottery 2023/2024 application form is open, with the American government announcing plans of issuing over 55.000 visa and permanent resident cards, accompanied by the link. are false

We verified and found out that this claim is a hoax, the opportunity does not exist.

Verification Process

In the course of fact checking, we followed the registration process.  We discovered that the website is designed such that it entices users to click and follow the processes, but actually leads to no were. After following the registration process, the link to get the printed for directed us to yet another website with malicious intent.

Also the opportunity is not found on all United State or US embassy platforms, whereas they have often published opportunities on their official social media accounts. On the website, a site is managed by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State, it is clearly stated that 

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: INA Section 222(f) provides that visa issuance and refusal records shall be confidential and shall be used only for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. Certified copies of visa records may be made available to a court which certifies that the information contained in such records is needed in a case pending before the court.”

Also, the entry period for the DV-2025 Diversity Visa Program is between October  4, 2023 and November 87, 2024,  as stated on the official Facebook account of the Bureau of Consular Affairs, US Department of State,

In conclusion, the malicious website contains manipulative offers, whose principal aim is among others, to steal the personal data of those who click on the links. The opportunities stated in the malicious link do not exist.

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